Sunday, October 31, 2010

Captcha creativity

You know those word verification things you have to enter sometimes?
Isn't it awesome when they say something really cool. Like, "Winglace" for example?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


The best thing about reading the in the garden is all the bugs that come and join in.
Seriously ants just chillin on the page.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


All the colours are calling for my eyes!
All the wind for my jackets!
All the grass for my feet!
All the stories for my ears!
And all the sun for my back!

Yours too!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Community as

Had community links yesterday and man the weather was awesome. Its always good times chillin in the van and having good lols and chats.
Lance drove us all the way out to Coatesville to pick up a living room set up or something. But there was totally no one home so we waited in their driveway for like half an hour while Lance texted Jan to try and figure it all out. But it was all good because radio Rhema was running a special show about Cliff Richard.

So in the end we left with nothing!

So basically me and Lance drove out to Coatesville to listen to Cliff in someone's driveway. I think we should always aim to be original in how we chill.

Thanks Saskia for the sweet Cliff Richard video clip! lol.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Out of sight, out of hands

I am so grateful for the things I cannot control.

These things I trust to Someone greater than me.

I am not allowed to worry about these things.

...Hey I just thought of something, in the first line, replace 'the things I cannot control', with something major in your life you try hard to control.

Then in the second and third lines replace 'These things' with that thing you are trying to control...

That is a blessing to me. I hope it is to you.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The sun was nice today

Today some cool stuff happened. I saw two old maori dudes greet each other with a casual hongi in town. And later on the radio I heard someone call in and then be really stoked when they won a prize, they were so happy it was awesome. It reminded me of watching 'What Now' as a kid and knowing the answers but being too scared to call in.
Haha. Jason Gunn.

Today I realised how nice my co workers are! Especially Santosh!
It was like book appreciation day when at work Susan bought some second hand books during some downtime and she got a really really old Christian book called 'Practical and Perplexing Questions Answered.' I really want to read it. I bet the answers are hilarious.