Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reasons to be happy

. I have a bicycle

. It is sunny as heck

. Chilled and watched Chuck with Saskia last night and it was great, there were pop tarts involved

. Got free burgerfuel as well (Thanks Graeme)

. Went to bed in proper time for starting work at 6am

. God can make me strong

. I spent the second hour or so of work greeting chirpy morning workers

. I will be studying with my friends at Auckland Uni!

. My name is Jorge Regula (sorry, song in head)

. I am reading a great book

. Here is a quote

"To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation."
- Life of Pi

Watch out cos we don't actually choose doubt as a philosophy. It just sometimes catches us unawares. Rock out your philosophical peripheral lenses and keep an eye out for ditches of doubt.

Another quick thought (this one came from hg this week) is...

Your character is made up of all the little decisions you make day to day. Its not just the obvious right/wrong decisions that build character, but the seemingly small bits and pieces of life that you don't lend a thought to, or don't sift through your conscience. Do godly things. Think godly thoughts.

I am thankful for friends who love you enough to challenge you and press you in weak places.

One last thing that makes me happy.

. My work name badge unlocks doors


  1. Yeah far out that thing about your character. Made me think about how often I notice bad things only in retrospect.

    All those things are sweet as stuff to be happy for! Going for a baark raahd

  2. i liked this blog. Your name badge opens doors!!!? i've always wanted one of those!!! That's a super good choice of quote from Pi. I liked it when i read it

  3. Baak raahding through the paahk at naaght. It's alraaght. lol, that looks like Afrikaanz, with all the double "a"'s.

    Yeah, I don't know why I haven't shared about my name badge before. It was so novel when I first started working.
    Yeah that quote jumped out at me something fierce. Thanks for the good read, sas!

    Han you're sooooo right about realising bad things in retrospect!
