Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ricky's Atheism

Just thoughts on Ricky's atheism. As shown in this article...

"People who believe in God don’t need proof of his existence, and they certainly don’t want evidence to the contrary."

Yes people of faith do need and want proof. Its just not the same as the proof Ricky looks for. We often first find proof for God in our experiences and then we go on to find more tangible stuff like evidence of the bible and for the things it talks about in history.

People of faith don't often look for evidence against God because what they already know has been enough for them to look for God and if they have found Him, you can't really deny it. Just like you can't deny any other person you find.

"I don’t believe in God because there is absolutely no scientific evidence for his existence and from what I’ve heard the very definition is a logical impossibility in this known universe."

Science doesn't offer a well-rounded view of the world. No you won't find much scientific evidence for God, neither will you find evidence for love, self-sacrifice and grace.

Science is one (very useful) way of analyzing our world, but it can't be used as a measure for all things as though ALL things in the world are scientific. All things may have scientific aspects, but if an object has qualities outside of science, you won't be able to see them if you use science as your only measure.

For instance, you could know my white blood cell count, my height, weight, date of birth and allergies, but you would have no clue of my favourite colour, my childhood experiences and my aspirations or dreams.

Science would be good at compartmentalising and naming many things about me, but it couldn't evaluate anything of my personality and my nature. Same with God.

"...Science seeks the truth."

Science is not the only practice that seeks truth. At the core of all major categories of education is the search for truth. Truth in medicine, philosophy, theology, anthropology etc. Science or physics isn't this one magical category looking for truth, and its not the only one that HAS truth.

The conviction about whether there is or isn't a God all seems to come down to what you as a person experience, and how you react to your experiences. When Ricky was a kid he was made to feel a fool for believing in God and enjoying it. Being in the minority of belief didn't help, so he opted out. He became convinced that it was just another fairy tale, except this biblical fairy tale had a really poor moral, basically that the whole thing was a sham, as far as Ricky could tell.
This experience Ricky had as a kid was clearly enough for him to start building his worldview around the idea that there is no God, and if that's what you're looking for, if that's the worldview you're predisposed towards, then its very likely that's what you're going to end up finding.

Gifts of 'truth, science and nature' that Ricky says he experienced in his new atheism are something most Christians also experience.

"How come you aren't brainwashed?" is a pretty cynical interpretation of "Why don't you believe in God?"
Doesn't it depend who's asking and who's answering and like a million other things?

Ricky's right about forgiveness, its not just a Christian virtue. It's a true virtue, wherever you find it. That virtue belongs wholly to God. It is true, and it is God's truth, He owns it, no matter who runs around claiming it, whether its Ricky Gervais or some lad named John.

According to Ricky, his reward is here and now and, in part, so is ours if we seek it. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. that's not proof, that's just the bullshit you use to convince yourself that you made the right choice. none of that is any more valid than the proof someone in any non-judeo-christian religion consciously or sub-consciously generates for themselves either. you're fucking thick.
