Spent most of the time making t-shirt designs happen. It was rather intense. Mike and I worked a 19 hour day on Saturday. God was with all of us, keeping us alive. He brought us amazing volunteer help, he stopped it flooding, he let the tent light that we shared with our neighbouring business favour our side of the tent. And at the end of the weekend, when I had no more energy to sell or make t-shirts, I just told a guy about Freeset and he bought a blank green t-shirt. He was already wearing a green t-shirt.
We couldn't have worked harder. I felt like a robot after a certain point. De-humanised. God used this to show me how weak I am compared to many women who stand in lines in Calcutta, who give up so much more for so much less. Who are in higher demand with less support. These are the women we were working for. Selling these shirts so that Freeset can reach one more. No sale was made without God's will. He was so evident in the whole process.
I didn't read the Bible the whole weekend, I thought I was too exhausted.
Then when I got home, I found the Psalms I would have read over the weekend if I had made the time. We were all so weary and the words of Psalm 61 and 62 would have been perfect to comfort us and especially Mike. It was a reminder that even when you think you are doing the will of God, you still make time to read his word.
We couldn't have worked harder. I felt like a robot after a certain point. De-humanised. God used this to show me how weak I am compared to many women who stand in lines in Calcutta, who give up so much more for so much less. Who are in higher demand with less support. These are the women we were working for. Selling these shirts so that Freeset can reach one more. No sale was made without God's will. He was so evident in the whole process.
I didn't read the Bible the whole weekend, I thought I was too exhausted.
Then when I got home, I found the Psalms I would have read over the weekend if I had made the time. We were all so weary and the words of Psalm 61 and 62 would have been perfect to comfort us and especially Mike. It was a reminder that even when you think you are doing the will of God, you still make time to read his word.
Oh, cool stuff Laybarn.